visible vault

Ever wonder where art museums keep everything that’s not on exhibition?

The Visible Vault houses the largest permanent collection of contemporary art in the region. Approximately 3,500 works of art are preserved along with thousands of sketches, photographs, correspondence, and other archival materials.

Pick up a key card at the YAM front desk and visit the Visible Vault located at 505 North 26th Street, behind the Museum. Visitors can see where and how we store the permanent collection. Whatever behind-the-scenes work is going on at the moment will also be on view, whether it’s the coming and going of objects preparing for exhibition, photography and cataloging of new works, conservation treatments, or similar activity.

Enjoy Visible Vault

Learn about our Artists-in-Residency at the Visible Vault here.

YAM’s Writer-in-Residence, Anne Holub, will be in the studio on Tuesdays from 2 – 5 PM and on Thursdays from 10 – 5 PM.

Want a closer look at the art? The Visible Vault has open viewing hours every Thursday from 3 – 4 PM with YAM Registrar, Laura Krapacher.

Would you like to make an appointment to study a specific object closely? We’d be delighted to help. Please give our registrar a call to schedule a time.

YAM Registrar
 406.256.6804 x236